State of the Metaverse 2008

Gary Hayes of has produced an insightful short film entitled The 'Social Virtual' World's A Stage. The film takes a look at over 50 virtual world systems that currently make up the Metaverse as we know it.

Its interesting to note that amongst the first person style words no one system stands out from the rest. Its been 10 years since we started work in the Metaverse and as we noted in our post
Second Life/Web 2.0? Virtual Worlds Circa 1998 Is Where It Was At... not too much has changed in the last decade.

Gary's film is embedded below:

It is also interesting to note that the term Metaverse is coming back into fashion. It become distinctly unfashionable to talk about the Metaverse after the first web bubble burst with the term being replaced by 'Virtual Worlds' or 'Virtual Environments'.

Perhaps web based terms that come into and out of fashion is the subject for a future post - how many people have used the term 'Cyberspace' in recent articles or conversation (?) perhaps 1998 was where it was at after all...