Pole Panorama: Hampstead Heath

The panorama above was taken on Hampstead Heath in London near "Boudicca's Mound", click and drag to look around the scene after selecting 'load'. Boudicca's Mound is a tumulus where, according to local legend, Queen Boudicea was buried after she and 10,000 other Iceni soldiers were defeated at Battle Bridge.

The aim of the panorama was to capture the use of the 30 foot panoramic pole by way of a tutorial for the blog. Of course things don't always work out, the lighting was poor, making for a dull panorama and the filming of the capture process is facing the sun.

That said, we have included it anyway just so those interested can see how the camera goes up etc. We will have a more detailed look at capturing pole panoramas next week:

Taking a Pole Panorama from digitalurban on Vimeo.

Note the 'digital urban' bag, its been going strong now for almost a year - if you would like one yourself (and who wouldn't) we have them 'at cost' via Cafe Press.