If any readers are attending the AAG next week in Las Vegas, then us here at digital urban along with gisagents.blogspot.com have organised a session entitled "Concepts, Tools and Applications: The Rise of Neogeography." The session discusses the concepts, tools, applications and challenges arising when collecting, sharing and communicating data for the Neogeographer, exploring a wide range of topics from Digital Earths, Volunteered Geographic Information and through to Virtual Worlds.
The session will take place on Friday, 27th of March, from 8:00 AM - 9:40 AM (is an early start..) in the North Hall N116, Las Vegas Convention Center
The program is as follows:
- Verity Vlodovic (University of Nottingham) "Making your mind up: Second Life bucks the trend as the fizz goes out of GIS"
- Alex Singleton - University College London, "Virtual Geodemographics"
- Andrew Hudson-Smith, CASA, "Neogeography: Crowdsourcing and Mapping for Masses"
- Paul Longley University College London, "Geovisualisation of the 2011 UK Census. Bringing the decennial Census to the Google generation"
- Donald Cooke - Tele Atlas "Neogeography and Crowdsourcing: the View from a Walled Garden"