Mapping the Credit Crunch - MapTube on the BBC

With a slightly different hat on from our normal urban visualisation work we also run our National Centre for e-Social Science grant here at CASA. One of the biggest successes of the grant has been MapTube which is based on our GMap Creater software developed by Richard Milton here in the lab.

An up and coming feature of MapTube is the ability to carry out near real-time geographic surveys, the latest of which is the new Credit Crunch Survey by the BBC Radio 4 PM show.

Key to public surveys and getting enough inputs to get a nationwide view is exposure, thankfully our latest survey is currently featured on the main BBC frontpage, significantly increasing traffic and thus survey results.

See the BBC iPM page for full details on the survey.

On a more regional level we are also running a survey to map peoples views on job security in association with BBC Look East. See the BBC Look East page for more details.

If you would like to know more take a look at our online publications page as we talk about MapTube in a number of the latest papers..